Lego Wanted

Lego wanted by Leamington Spa Collector. Good prices paid!

WANTED: Lego – particularly sets that were originally sold in "Second To None", a shop in Leamington Spa in the late eighties. During my Lego Dark Age I made the mistake of selling my collection via this second hand shop and I would now love to reclaim my original much loved collection - if such a miracle is possible! It consisted mostly of classic space and town although there were a few mediaeval sets and also some models of my own design. The latter I would particularly like to be reunited with - I seem to recall a garage and a small cottage / house.

Although I am ostensibly seeking to reclaim my old collection I would also consider other Lego for sale. My main interests from the modern range are Lego Classic Space, Lego Classic Town, Lego Star Wars and modular buildings. Complete Lego sets in a good, clean condition would be much appreciated.

Instructions and boxes also appreciated though not essential.

Local sellers preferred (I live in Warwickshire) but would be willing to travel for good sets - especially for those acquired from the shop named above - or happy to pay for postage / carriage.

Please contact me via email:

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